Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Steampunk Art in Seoul Part II

Here indeed is a sampling of what may be found at the gallery in Seoul. It starts with wonderful introduction into Steampunk art.

Well worth the price of admission is Sam Van Offenn's Turtle Ship! Sorry, no spoilers here

Steampunk novels and comic books...

Some of my loot from the gallery. A gallery book showing all the art from the show. A pair of steam punk style flip-up sunglasses. And a brown leather steampunk style I-phone case.

However, I bought the case near the Chungaechung stream from a street vendor for 10,000 won. Steampunk style : it can be found if one only looks carefully enough.
Until then,
Stay slightly starched and techno savvy.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Steampunk Art in Seoul

This weekend I shall be taking the KTX train north to Seoul for its Steampunk Art Unfurled: Art of Victorian Futurism.

The showing will take place across from Seoul National University. Do click the Bing Map link to see the location.

The event will take place from this March 8th until May 18th. I have been told they will have daily tophat making classes there. Admission tickets cost around 12,000won ($12USD). More details can be found via the Art Center IDA website

 In a few weeks time I shall post my own pictures of the event. Although many photos of the event prep can be found via their steampunk art 2014 Facebook site.

Until I return to my drawing room in Busan
Do sTay lightly starched and techno savvy,
Ever sincerely,